Saint Barnabé, Marseille area, France
About Saint Barnabé
Saint Barnabé, situated on the outskirts of Marseille and overlooking the Mediterranean, is a rehabilitation clinic specialized in addictology. The 40 employees and 50 subcontractors can help 75 in-patients and 15 out-patients in their facility.
Due to individual patient needs, different pathways are available. These include an assessing and orientation phase as out-patients; a daycare pathway, that can include a short weaning module as an in-patient; a 6-week in-patient pathway, that includes therapeutic education; a consolidation pathway, as a follow-up to the 6-week in-patient pathway and a long-term pathway that spans from 3 to 6 months.
Things to explore in the Living lab setting
Saint Barnabé is an addictology clinic outside Marseille, offering in- and outpatient care to persons with addiction disorders of different substances and triggers. The clinic will work together with the innovation hub on a few special challenges.
Together with the Innovation Hub they will to take the cravings tool a bit further. Experiencing cravings is a risk of relapse for the patients, and needs to be worked upon. An app can be with the patients all the time, the clinic can not. There are different possible ideas for that.
They will also try out a web portal for employees, making the handling of payslips and administrative tasks easier.
Another idea is to develop digital day-care, which they tested out during the pandemic lockdown with good evaluations. "Today, there is still a stigma around addiction, and patients don't always want to meet other addiction patients. Having meetings on a sofa at home, without a camera, can be a first step to lowering the threshold to seek help. Digital daycare is a possible option for better accessibility and anonymity. Having a group meeting in the metaverse with an avatar would be one way to use the new ways of anonymity.
Read the full article on the Innovation hub's LinkedIn-page here.
" It's not the future, it's possible even now. "