Ramsay Santé in Sweden
Capio, part of Ramsay Santé
A wide range of medical, surgical and psychiatric care services provided by hospitals, specialised clinics and primary care centers.
Local Health Centers
More than 100 local health centers throughout the contry and nearly 900,000 registered patients (10% of the population).
Care for the elderly
Geriatrics, inpatient palliative care, advanced home care, rehabilitation, home visits by doctors.
Specialised clinics
30 specialist clinics with a wide range of specialist care, mainly on an outpatient basis: ophtalmology, psychiatry, gynaecology, maternity, ENT, urology and digestive surgery.
In orthopaedics (6 specialised clinics), comprehensive care, from surgery to rehabilitation.
Among the shortest treatment times for hip and knee replacement surgery in Sweden.
St Göran Hospital : a leading hospital

- Emergency hospital located in the heart of Stockholm
- Sweden's largest hospital in terms of patient numbers
(30,000 hospitalisations) - Offering selective care in nearly 30 specialities
- Since 2020, the hospital has been a health facility university
- Elected best hospital in Sweden in 2019
(category Small hospital)
Learn more about
Capio, part of Ramsay Santé
Follow @CapioSverige on social media and visit the Swedish Capio, part of Ramsay Santé, website.
Our facilities in Sweden

Consult the map of Capio, part of Ramsay Santé, facilities in Sweden.