Clinique Provence-Bourbonne, Marseille area, France
About Provence-Bourbonne
This is a rehabilitation clinic, treating conditions related to neurology, orthopedics, traumatology, and sports. The clinic is situated east of Marseille and has both in-patient and out-patient operations. In the facility are both indoor and outdoor sports & rehab areas, as well as different types of rehabilitation equipment, including robots and VR games.
Things to explore in the Living lab setting
The concept of “augmented rehab” is something to explore further. The outcome of rehab is highly dependent on the patient’s commitment, and the clinic will be looking into ways to cherish the spark in the patients when it comes to rehab activity. This can be done by providing both human support and tech solutions that support. The digital part of the patient pathway is something that they would especially like to explore and take some steps further.
Curious to know more? Read this post.
" Being a Living Lab is an opportunity and a source of pride. "