Pôle Aquitaine cluster and the Gingko Biloba hub, France
About Pôle Aquitaine and Gingko Biloba
The Pôle Aquitaine is a cluster of five units situated on the French west side: Aguilera Clinic in Biarritz, Belharra clinic in Bayonne, Center of Cardiology in Bayonne, Jean Le Bon clinic in Dax, and Atlantic clinic in La Rochelle.

The employees and affiliated doctors perform excellence in hand surgery, cardiology, oncology, surgery, and ER care.
1300 Full-time equivalents, 363 doctors
5 health facilities
583 beds and places
2 emergency services, 1 SOS hand, 1 Cancer Institute

Things to explore in the Living Lab setting
Within the cluster, a concept of innovative healthcare called Gingko Biloba has begun its exploration of value-creating solutions, a work that will now continue together with the Innovation hub.
Areas of interest include, among others, OR of the future and sustainability.
One project is about exploring "operating rooms of the future". Here, they will analyze clinical processes by timing captures from video streams during surgery. Using this data, they will be able to gather data points on workflows, material usage, ergonomics and team allocation.
Another idea is a project regarding circular economy and sustainability, involving inventing ways to recycle plastic waste.
Their cross-border geographical position also makes it possible to envisage collaborations with health establishments or Spanish start-ups.
Still curious? Learn more about the Pôle Aquitaine on our LinkedIn-page!
" We want all our innovation heroes out there to feel that innovation is cool and that they can be a part of it! Whatever we can do to help them, we want to try to do it. "