Clinique des Trois Cyprès, Marseille area, France
About Trois Cyprès
Trois Cyprès is a psychiatric clinic that offers both in-patient and out-patient care, the latter split between daycare (one or more half-days or days a week) and night hospital (evenings and nights).
They have a large variety of age groups: from teenagers (12-17 years) to young adults (18-25) and adults (26+). In the young adults’ ward depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and school phobia are examples of diagnoses. In the teenagers’ ward, star practitioner Marcel Rufo is managing the practitioners community at Clinique des Trois Cyprès.
Things to explore in the Living lab setting
- Possibilities in digital daycare and services online.
- Voice-to-text dictation, NLP coding, and billing solutions.